Freely Listen to Dream Big Book

William Hazlitt Quotes

William Hazlitt
William Hazlitt was an English writer, remembered for his humanistic essays and literary criticism, as the greatest art critic of his age, and as a drama critic, social commentator, and philosopher. He was also a painter.
Born: April 10, 1778, United Kingdom
Died: September 18, 1830, United Kingdom


A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.

Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves.

The more we do, the more we can do.

Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity a greater.

As is our confidence, so is our capacity.

The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard.

To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind.

A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means.

The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.

He will never have true friends who is afraid of making enemies.

The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure very much.

The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.

Wit is the salt of conversation, not the food.

Travel’s greatest purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Prejudice is the child of ignorance.

The seat of knowledge is in the head; of wisdom, in the heart. We are sure to judge wrong, if we do not feel right.

If you think you can win, you can. Faith is necessary to victory.

We hate old friends: we hate old books: we hate old opinions; and at last we come to hate ourselves.

Who likes not his business, his business likes not him.

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